Company Profile
Potters Barotini Co., Ltd. has contributed to various fields of society and industry as a leading glass bead manufacturer in Japan since its founding. Although many people may not be aware of its existence, glass beads are a material that is used in everyday life.

Company name: Potters-Ballotini Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: PBJ)
Established: September 10, 1966
Capital: 216,000,000 yen
Representative: Akihiro Oshima, Representative Director
Business description: Manufacturing and sales of glass beads and related products.
Import and sale of silicate chemicals and chemical materials
Location: Head Office and Kanto Plant
254-36 Shimokawaharazaki, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki 300-2662, JAPAN
Head Office TEL: +81-29-847-7483 / FAX: +81-29-847-0216
Kanto Plant TEL: +81-29-847-7481 / FAX: +81-29-848-1056
Sales Inquiry TEL: +81-29-847-7484 / FAX: +81-29-848-2338
Osaka Sales Office
3-21 Suehirocho, Kita-ku, Osaka City, Osaka 530-0053, JAPAN
Sales Inquiry TEL: +81-29-847-7484 / FAX: +81-29-848-2338
Shareholder: Potters International Holdings S.á.rl
Banks: Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Mizuho Bank